Saturday, 9 July 2011

Interview Questions in Oracle Apps 11i


1. What are the report triggers?

· Before Parameter Form
· After Parameter Form
· Before Report
· Between Pages
· After Report

2. Are there any other triggers?

Format Triggers

3. During run time, if you want to change the SQL fragments of the query in data model, then how will you do it?

· Create the lexical parameters with default value and add them to the query as &P_WHERE.
· The values of these lexical parameters can be dynamically changed in the Before Report Trigger.

4. If the report is using multi org views then what set up is required in rdf report?

· Create user parameter P_CONC_REQUEST_ID as type Number, size minimum 15
· Call the user exit in Before Report Trigger FND SRWINIT
· Call the user exit in After Report Trigger FND SRWEXIT

5. Once the report is ready, what is the complete procedure of report registration right from putting the file on server upto set up in oracle applications?

· Select the application in which the report is to be registered.
· Find the top directory on the server for above application
· FTP the rdf file in binary mode to the ‘reports/US’ sub directory of above directory
· In oracle applications, create the executable of ‘Oracle Reports’ type with application name as above and execution file name as the rdf file name without file extension
· Create a Concurrent Program and attach the above executable
· Set the printing options in concurrent program
· Create the required parameters
· Add the concurrent program name into request group attached to the concerned user’s responsibility.
· If the existing report is customized, the corresponding concurrent program can be copied using the ‘Copy To’ option on Concurrent Programs definition form and the new executable can be attached to this program.

6. How is the flex filed reporting made in rdf reports?

Call the user exit (with appropriate values) FND FLEXSQL in Before Report trigger and FND FLEXIDVAL in the corresponding formula columns

7. If the report is running in multi currency environment then how are the currency fields formatted?

Using the user exit FND FORMAT_CURRENCY.


8. Can a concurrent program parameter be made as mandatory?
Yes. By checking the check box ‘Required’

9. Can you hide a concurrent program parameter?
Yes. By checking the check box ‘Display’

10. What is the relevance of ‘Token’ field in parameter
It is the same as the user parameter in rdf report which receive the parameter values.

11. Can you pass the default values to concurrent program parameters?

12. What are the different default types?
Constant, Profile, SQL Statement, Segment

13. What are the types of value sets
None, Independent, Dependent, Table, Special, Pair, etc.

14. Have you ever created the table validated value set?

15. Can I use multiple tables in the table validation?

16. Can I use views in the table validation?

17. What is the relevance of Value, Meaning and Id columns?

‘Value’ is listed in the list of values, ‘Meaning’ is shown on the parameter window on the right hand side and ‘id’ is passed to the program.

18. Can I have some more columns in the list of value of table validation set?
Yes. By including those column names in the ‘additional columns’ field of table value set.

19. In where clause, if I wish to refer the value of preceding parameter then how can I do that?
By referring the value set of preceding parameter as :$FLEX$..

20. In where clause, if I wish to refer the value of a profile option then how can I do that?
By referring the profile option name as :$PROFILES$.

21. If Tokens are used to pass the parameter values to oracle report, what is used for passing the values to SQL script programs and Host (Shell script) programs?

· SQL scripts receive the parameter values in the sequence as they have defined into lexical parameters as &1, &2, &3, and so on.

· Shell script receives the parameters into defined variables as $1, $2, $3, and so on. However, the first four parameters are hidden as ‘username and password’, userid, username & requested. The first user parameter value is received as $5 in the shell script.

Multi Org Concept

22. What do you know about the multi org concept in Oracle Applications?

23. What is the difference between PO_HEADERS and PO_HEADERS_ALL table?
PO_HEADERS_ALL is the table containing data of all organizations (operating units) and PO_HEADERS is the view showing the data for the organization for the current session.

24. On SQL prompt, a simple sql statement “select po_header_id from po_headers’ does not return any row. What could be the reason and how can I see the data?

The org_id needs to be populated for that sql session using the package “execute fnd_client_info.set_org_context();”


25. What is the standard process of creation of new form in Oracle Apps?
Using TEMPLATE.fmb, etc.

26. What code have you added in custom.pll? Have you ever enabled the zoom?

27. In Template.fmb, what is the typical name of the standard list of value, which is attached to the Date field for showing the calendar?


28. What is the forms Registration process in Oracle Applications?.

· Register the Form using ‘Forms’ window
· Create a Form function of ‘FORM’ Type using ‘Forms Function’ window.
· Attach the forms function to the ‘sub menu’ or ‘Menu’ attached to the user’s responsibility.

29. How can I pass the values to the forms parameters while calling it from menu?

You can mention these values in the ‘Parameters’ column of while defining the Form Function which are passed while calling the form from Menu.

30. Have you worked on migration of reports/ forms/ sql scripts/ shell scripts from Oracle Apps 10.7 to 11i?

31. How did you migrate reports from 2.5 to 6i?

You can open 2.5 report in 6i and use the convert option. Make some dummy changes in query to re compile queries. Change the column names, table names, call to the procedures or functions if they have changed in 11i. Then re compile the whole report and test again. If table and/or column names in table validated value sets or in the SQL statements in default values of concurrent program parameters are changed they also need to be changed.

32. How did you migrate CUI forms to 6i GUI forms?
Recreate them in 6i.

33. What interface you have worked on?
34. What was the structure of these interface? Any specific one from above.
35. Then questions specific to that interface …
36. Did you code specific validations? Name a few …
37. How did you generate the Error Report?
38. What was the strategy to identify and reload the error records?

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